A well-established Holding Uses RePG Energy System
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- A well-established Holding Uses RePG Energy System
6 pieces of 54 Tubular Sun Thermal panels and 1 RePG Hybrid System are working in a well-known Holding's Istanbul building!
- It will be the best example that RePG will completely change the whole Planet and its Energy infrastructure (Heating, Cooling, and Electricity generation).
- Energy recovery will be performed with the hot water obtained from the Natural Gas Boiler in the building and the Sun-Thermal panels on the Roof.
- When the HOT WATER that is obtained from the Sun-Thermal panels in winter exceeds 40 °C, ELECTRICITY can be produced and hot water can be provided to the building. Thus, gas consumption in the building will be reduced.
- We produce electricity from Hot Water, which is obtained from the Natural Gas Boiler in very cold and cloudy weather in winter.
- Currently, 1 of the 10kWh RePG System is installed and running.
- 10 x 54 Tubular Sun-Thermal panels were installed
- As of March 18, 2020, our electricity production with only solar panels is between 1.5-2 kW on average.
- Depending on the weather in Istanbul, the system switches itself on, and when the water in the Sun-Thermal panels cools down in the evening, it switches itself off.
- In the next stage, by integrating the chiller line used for cooling into the REPG system, both the generated electricity will be increased and also the cooling process will be supported.
- As a result, we will be able to commission RePG's Building Air Conditioning Solution.
March 18, 2020: In this graph you see:
- We produced a total of 128kW hours of energy in March. (80% of our systems were not active).
- We reached the highest point on March 18 with 2.5kW per hour. It is the result of changes and updates made today.
- The goal is 10kWh production.
- All of the instantly generated energy can be given to the ABS Building as ON-GRID.
- What does 2.5 kW or 2500 Watt mean? 50 pieces of the 50 Watt bulbs can work for 1 hour.
19 March 2020: The graphic on the right refers to;
- Another example that proves RePG will change the WORLD by showing energy production in this graph.
- You are seeing the graph of energy production from hot water coming from two different sources as of 9 a.m.
- It is able to generate electricity of 2.2-2.5kw hours by working with HOT WATER of combi boiler continuously between 9-12 a.m.
- RePG only cools and returns very little water by 10-15 degrees, but uses a very small amount of the water. All of the water heated by the Combi boiler is not used.
- In the afternoon, by using the hot water in the Sun-Thermal panels, it can produce an average of 1.5-2kw hours of energy, while the temperature of the water is only between 50-60 degrees.
- BUT WHAT IS INCREDIBLE is that, as of 3:40 p.m, it is able to generate 900 Watt from 49 °C water and it generated 500 Watt electricity from 40 °C hot water until 5 p.m., and is able to produce 300 Watt until 5:30 p.m.